

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Time to buy some jeans

I don't think I've ever felt so out of step. James Blunt was the biggest selling album of the Noughties, Top Gear apparently the best TV show. I don't understand either. Maybe it's something to do with moving to the countryside.

Even in the days when I used to be paid to be out of step, I never felt so distant. Mind, in those days I wasn’t ever out of step. Everyone else was. But now, now I don’t write about that stuff anymore and I’m just another winsome voice in the crowd and it’s all a bit… grumpy.

I should like Clarkson. Someone I used to work with – the lovely Rob Gore-Langton – used to share a flat with Clarkson and apparently he used to cut out my Independent stuff and put it on his fridge. The Independent – I wonder what might have been had I stayed there, had I not left to follow the muse. Maybe that's why I don't like TG. (Not so long ago - OK, quite a long time ago) TG used to stand for Throbbing Gristle. Oh well).

I don't want to come over like some of my students, but it's baffling to me and anyone who tunes in to either should be shot. It's just my opinion and I'm entitled to it and anyone who disagrees... they should also be shot.

In that very last year way, I posted the opening par of this ramble on my Facebook status. And this is what I got back: “The only people who don't like Top Gear are people who don't watch it. It is hilarious and irreverent in these po-faced times.”

Then I was sent me this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lsY5BaKhuQ&feature=related
Enjoy ... this is a Theroux-style deconstructon of middle america, so much more valid given clarkson's perceived right-wing stance; in truth its just bloody funny. C'mon you pussy-whipped hippies, get off your pilates mat and have a good laugh...

So I watched it. Three middle aged blokes driving through Redneck Central trying to wind up the locals by writing stuff like “Hillary for President” and “Man Love Rules” on the side of their cars.

I’ve watched Top Gear and simply don't get it. It's a one trick pony - the boorish geezer at the end of the bar persona, the don't-give-a-toss-about-the-environment, the anyone who disagrees is a killjoy attitude... it's dull. Compare Top Gear's humour with someone like Russell Brand who is genuinely sparkling and shiny and clever...

Rachel said this: Clarkson would love this... middle aged blokes with nothing better to do than debate his attributes. I quite like his irritating predictability and occasionally I do laugh like a drain.. oh no! I've got drawn in. JB..who cares...

That’s possibly right too. Rachel always was clever.

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